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History:2000 election leaflet

6th April, 2000

History:Press cuttings from 1999

27th April, 1999

Burning issue for Councillors

18th March, 1999

Education Action Zones fear

25th March, 1998

History:1997 General Election

30th April, 1997

In 1997 Andy D’Agorne (now a Green Councillor in York) stood in Sheffield Central.

South Africa’s election

7th May, 1994

History:Campaign against Sheffield City Airport

3rd June, 1993

In the early 90’s Sheffield Green Party led a campaign to prevent the building of Sheffield City airport. Our fight … Full Story »

History:Attercliffe General Election campaign 1992

10th April, 1992

History-1992 Election Campaign in Central Constituency

10th April, 1992

Sheffield Star article on NUT debate. Star profile of Central Constituency. Star article on traffic pollution protest. Pictured Peter Scott … Full Story »

History of Sheffield Green Party-Jenny Hales, peace campaigner

21st March, 1992

This is the first of a series of posts where I will take you back in time to look at … Full Story »