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New Fair Trade delivery service

4th April, 2012

Thumbs Up in Sheffield is a new Fair Trade delivery service. Check out their website here Mention ‘GreenParty’ in the … Full Story »

Greens concerned as City Centre licensing applications mount up.

31st October, 2011

  Green councillors have expressed concern about the range of businesses submitting applications to sell alcohol in Sheffield city centre. … Full Story »

Nurture by Nature Project

14th July, 2011

see the full document here

Green Fair 25th June, 11-5pm, St Mary’s Bramall Lane

19th June, 2011

Please print off this flyer and give to your friends. Many videos from the fair are now on You Tube … Full Story »

Green Party supports market traders

16th April, 2011

The Green Party recognises the importance of all Sheffield’s market traders in providing employment and affordable goods. We have supported … Full Story »

Greens slam Food Plan

13th January, 2011

A report on the Sheffield Food Plan will be going to Cabinet this Wed 12th January. If approved, it will … Full Story »

Allotments- a positive story

13th October, 2010

Dear Sir The Telegraph has recently printed several articles and letters about problems with allotments and community growing projects. These … Full Story »

Free school meals for every child

11th July, 2010

Dear Sir Health Secretary Andrew Lansley claims the school food revolution has failed (Star 1 July) . Plans to extend … Full Story »

Green Fair

22nd June, 2010

Sheffield Green Fair is happening this Saturday, 26th June 2010. Please come along and enjoy a great day out at … Full Story »

Greens want proper support for growing plans

2nd June, 2010

The Green Party has welcomed a motion to Full Council today about how unused land could be used by the … Full Story »