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Is the City of London ignorant or just plain callous?

29th October, 2011

While everyone else is struggling with cuts the FTSE 100 confirms worse fears; the rich are getting richer while everyone … Full Story »

Petition for 10,000 climate jobs in Sheffield

29th October, 2011

Sheffield Climate Alliance have launched a petition to Sheffield City Council to call for the creation of 10,000 climate jobs. … Full Story »

Switch to homegrown energy

22nd October, 2011

Reduce your costs and Save Money Did you know that you could cut your household CO2 emissions by up to … Full Story »

Peter Tatchell at Occupy London Stock Exchange

22nd October, 2011

Greens call for a regional approach to help improve recycling.

18th October, 2011

Dear Sir Three letters about recycling (Telegraph, 13th October) raise important questions. The answers illustrate the difficulties faced by the … Full Story »

Greens support call for healthy lungs for the city centre

11th October, 2011

Sheffield Green Party welcomed the Council’s recent consultation on the breathing spaces strategy for the city centre and has submitted … Full Story »

Support the new petition to demand continued access to the Station bridge.

9th October, 2011

Please sign the new petition here

Sheffield University to host Cycle Conference

5th October, 2011

Sheffield University is to host the Cycle Sheffield Conference on October 18th. See for more details.

Wanted- a million climate jobs! Martin Empson addresses a fringe at the Green Party Conference

3rd October, 2011

ATOS are not fit for work.

30th September, 2011

National Day of Action Against Atos, 30 September Disabled People United Sheffield, supported by Sheffield Green Party, Justice for All, … Full Story »