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My Place on Lowfield Green Space

20th December, 2009

The three Central ward councillors strongly support the application for a new building and all-weather sports surface on the existing park north of Lowfield Primary school. Full Story »

Very bad day for local democracy

15th December, 2009

In 2007 the Labour administration announces proposals to close Wisewood school. Full Story »

“Take back control of buses” Greens tell council

15th December, 2009

Sheffield Green Party has called on the Council to make use of new legislation which will make it easier to bring in a Quality Contracts Scheme Full Story »

Local Greens push for strong Copenhagen deal at London Climate Demo

7th December, 2009

More than 20 members of Sheffield Green Party joined hundreds of protestors from South Yorkshire in London on Saturday 5th December to take part in The Wave Full Story »

Listen to the people on Abbeydale Grange School

1st December, 2009

1st December 2009 The Green Party has called on the Lib Dems on Sheffield City council to keep its election … Full Story »

Greens slam waste strategy

1st December, 2009

The Green Party has criticised the Council’s new waste strategy Full Story »

Greens call for fair treatment of Asylum Seekers

1st December, 2009

The Green Party called for fairer and more humane treatment of asylum seekers
a rally held on Saturday Full Story »

How to save lives, money, jobs and the planet

26th November, 2009

What will you do to reduce the energy bill in your home as winter takes hold? Gas and electricity charges … Full Story »

Rising council tax easy target for anger

24th November, 2009

Dear Sir With Sheffielders paying 39% more in real terms over ten years (Star 18 November), rising council tax is … Full Story »

Creasy’s speech to station campaigners

23rd November, 2009

“Save our Station” Full Story »