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Liam Hardy

Leaving the EU would be an act of self-inflicted environmental vandalism

9th June, 2016

The EU referendum campaign has yet to truly strike a chord with voters. Too often it resembles a bitter Tory … Full Story »

Vote Green in Walkley

24th April, 2016

Your candidates First choice candidate Sue Morton has lived, worked and volunteered in Walkley for 38 years. She co-founded the … Full Story »

The Green Party launches its council election campaign on Friday 15th April – with a full slate of candidates in Sheffield.

15th April, 2016

Speaking at the national launch in Bristol, Green Party leader, Natalie Bennett’s speech will cover: · Greens standing over 1,500 … Full Story »

Tax avoidance is immoral and should be illegal say Sheffield Greens

9th April, 2016

Fascinating archive tapes of British spy Kim Philby training East German spies have just been broadcast. Philby advised that, even … Full Story »