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Vote Green in Ecclesall

24th April, 2012

Download the election leaflet Vote Arun Mathur in Ecclesall If you don’t live in Ecclesall find your local candidate here.

Greens support Remploy demo

21st April, 2012

On Friday Greens supported the demonstration of Remploy workers whose factories are threatened with closure. Green Councillor Rob Murphy, who … Full Story »

Election Hustings in support of Public Services

18th April, 2012

Please come and listen to candidates from all the main parties at an election hustings organised by Public and Commercial … Full Story »

Concern over School Finances

18th April, 2012

Sheffield Green Party Chair, Peter Garbutt, has written to Cllr Jackie Drayton, Cabinet Member responsible for Education, to seek reassurance … Full Story »

No BNP candidates in Sheffield

12th April, 2012

On April 3rd I received information from Unite Against Fascism about election leafleting to help “make sure South Yorkshire is … Full Story »

Council profits from inner city Parking Permit Schemes

10th April, 2012

Permit Parking Zones initially used charges for permits to pay for the installation and enforcement of the schemes. As more … Full Story »

Vote No in Mayoral referendum

5th April, 2012

There is a Mayoral referendum  on the same day as the local elections – May 3rd – to ask the … Full Story »

Greens to quiz council cabinet on PFI funding

2nd April, 2012

Sheffield’s Green Party has tabled a number of questions to the Council’s Cabinet at the Full Council meeting on Wednesday … Full Story »

Dr Jillian Creasy speaks at the Save our NHS demo

24th March, 2012

Sheffield bloggers

23rd February, 2012

  Chair of Sheffield Green Party, Peter Garbutt has a blog called which he is updating regularly with his … Full Story »