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Save our Surestart (new version)

23rd February, 2011

Green Party budget amendment – protecting the most vulnerable

22nd February, 2011

The Green Party Councillors have revealed that they will be putting a budget amendment which protects the most vulnerable from … Full Story »

Green Party leader announces 2011 Sheffield Conference

22nd February, 2011

The leader of the Green Party of England and Wales and the UK’s first Green MP will visit Sheffield on … Full Story »

Legal Aid Consultation: Greens say justice is a right!

22nd February, 2011

Sheffield Green Party has responded to the Government consultation on cutting legal aid, warning that the impact will be hardest … Full Story »

Green Councillors explain council motion decision to Sheffield Homes tenants

22nd February, 2011

Green Councillors have written to Tenants and Residents Associations in their ward (Central) to explain their decision to return the … Full Story »

Save our Surestart!

21st February, 2011

Pay up Barclays!

19th February, 2011

Caroline Lucas visits Sheffield Tuesday

18th February, 2011

The leader of the Green Party of England and Wales and the UK’s first Green MP will visit Sheffield on … Full Story »

Letter to the Star – 20′s Plenty

12th February, 2011

Town Hall 7th Feb Dear Sir, The Lib Dems claim that Green Councillors have not proposed any 20mph schemes in their … Full Story »

Open letter to Sheffield Anti-Cuts Alliance

12th February, 2011

Dear Martin Thank you for your letter of 22nd January inviting me to the SACA steering group meeting on 26th … Full Story »