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Is democracy dead? Public Meeting 11th June

10th June, 2014

Central URC Church, Wednesday 11th June 7.15pm Open meeting with David Malone, author of The Debt Generation, and writer of … Full Story »

Sheffield Greens Election Broadcast

18th May, 2014

IPCC report. Urgent action needed now.

1st April, 2014

Sheffield Green Party spokesman Peter Garbutt spoke out today against politicians and big businesses that prevent sensible action being taken … Full Story »

ATOS: failed outsourcing experiment

23rd February, 2014

Sheffield Green Party Spokesperson Peter Garbutt comments on the demonstration outside ATOS offices on 20th February 2014: “Sheffield Greens are … Full Story »

Peter Garbutt blasts the Gagging Bill

23rd November, 2013


People’s Assembly: Workshop on Climate Change

19th September, 2013

Peter Garbutt from the GreenParty made the first presentation, explaining the extreme risks we face from climate change and emphasising … Full Story »

People’s Assembly Sheffield

13th September, 2013

Two speakers from Sheffield Green Party will be speaking at workshops at the People’s Assembly on Saturday 14th September. Jason … Full Story »

Peter Garbutt says don’t attack Syria

31st August, 2013


Green motion highlights fracking dangers for Sheffield.

31st August, 2013

Sheffield’s Green councillors are putting a motion against fracking at the full council meeting on September 4th. Fracking is the … Full Story »

Sharrow festival

6th July, 2013

Greens were out in force today at both the Gay Pride event and the Sharrow Festival where they helped tidy … Full Story »