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Archive for November, 2015

Sheffield Greens support Junior Doctors

30th November, 2015

Sheffield Green councillors will submit a motion at Wednesday’s Sheffield City Council meeting calling upon the council to support junior … Full Story »

Greens call for better consultation on school places.

29th November, 2015

Sheffield Green Party has submitted a response to the School Places consultation, arguing that to get the best outcome for … Full Story »

Don’t bomb Syria. Write to your MP.

27th November, 2015

Caroline Lucas has joined with Brian Eno, Frankie Boyle, John Pilger, Jeremy Hardy, Mark Serwotka, Tariq Ali, Kate Hudson, Andrew … Full Story »

Council treat residents as an inconvenience

23rd November, 2015

Last week Sheffield Council’s Cabinet gave the go ahead for another attempt at renegotiating the Highways PFI with Amey. Unfortunately … Full Story »

Listen to the bus drivers SYPTE!

22nd November, 2015

From talking to bus drivers, it’s clear that changes to Sheffield bus routes are not just experiencing teething troubles. Drivers … Full Story »

Save our Trees Demo -video

15th November, 2015

No Mayor without referendum

14th November, 2015

On 3rd May 2012 the people of Sheffield voted resoundingly against an elected mayor for our city. The final tally … Full Story »

Green Party statement on the Paris attacks

14th November, 2015

RESPONDING to the Paris attacks, Natalie Bennett, Green Party Leader, and Deputy Leaders Shahrar Ali and Amelia Womack said: “Our … Full Story »

Stop the tree felling

12th November, 2015

The council must act openly and honestly if its “Independent Tree Panel” is to help break the deadlock on the … Full Story »

Green Councillors say “Outdoor City” is about more than sports and recreation.

6th November, 2015

At the November 4th meeting of Sheffield City Council, Green councillors proposed an amendment welcoming the Council’s recent commitment to … Full Story »