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Save Early Years Services Demo

19th January, 2013

Hundreds of parents and children braved the cold to demonstrate against the Council’s decision to cut Sheffield’s Early Years Services.  … Full Story »

Demo opposing masive cuts to Childrens Services

18th January, 2013

Sheffield Green Party will be supporting the demonstration and march tomorrow against proposed cuts to Children’s Services in Sheffield from 11am. … Full Story »

Councillor Murphy says cuts are a disgrace.

13th January, 2013

Comment by Green Councillor Rob Murphy on today’s announcement regarding massive cuts to Council services. “The cuts being made to … Full Story »

Benefits under attack. Councillor Duncan Kerr on the Welfare Reform act.

12th January, 2013

On 9th January Councillor Duncan Kerr gave an excellent talk on the Welfare Reform Act. He showed that this is … Full Story »

Benefits under attack. Duncan Kerr on the Welfare Reform Act

12th January, 2013


Join the fight to save Early Years Education

10th January, 2013

The Demonstration has been called in response to the brutal cuts which Sheffield City Council are proposing to inflict upon … Full Story »

Greens say more action needed for the low-paid and those on benefits

10th January, 2013

 Commenting on the living wage proposals for today’s Sheffield Council Cabinet meeting, local Greens’ chairperson Jon Ashe said “We’ve been … Full Story »

Have your say about Early Years in Sheffield

7th January, 2013

Download and circulate this leaflet Parents and Carers Please Go Along and Have Your Say About Early Years in Sheffield … Full Story »

Sign the petition to stop the cuts in early years support

7th January, 2013

Please sign this petition. We the undersigned recognise that Sheffield’s Community Nurseries and Children’s Centres provide universal, culturally sensitive, high … Full Story »

Councillor Creasy presents cheque to Homeless and Rootless at Christmas

19th December, 2012

Councillor Jillian Creasy presents a cheque for £400 on behalf of Central Community Assembly   to HARC (Homeless and Rootless at … Full Story »