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Yes Campaign launched

2nd April, 2011

Greens oppose Sheffield College Cuts

31st March, 2011

Sheffield Green Party are expressing concerns about the loss of jobs and important courses as a consultation starts on 121 … Full Story »

Frustration with Labour

31st March, 2011

Dear Sir, Cllr Julie Dore’s “Viewpoint on “what we will do if elected in May” is a further reminder of … Full Story »

Greens on the march

30th March, 2011

Accounts of the march

27th March, 2011

Peter Garbutt writes On the coach to London I sat next to someone working for the council who said she … Full Story »

Sheffield Greens join people’s march for the alternative

27th March, 2011

The People’s Petition for a Million Climate Jobs

26th March, 2011

Please sign this petition

Caroline Lucas on cuts

24th March, 2011

Speeches at “Rage against the Lib Dems”

20th March, 2011

Sam speaks out against Surestart cuts

19th March, 2011