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Hours wasted in Council Chamber

29th August, 2010

From the Sheffield Star Published Date: 28 August 2010 By Richard Marsden News Reporter A COUNCILLOR has hit out at … Full Story »

Sheffield Design Awards 2010

26th August, 2010

Have your say on which is the best new building in Sheffield. There are currently 12 candidates but you can … Full Story »

£20 billion on Trident is a waste of money

23rd August, 2010

Dear Sir The coalition government is planning to go ahead with renewing Trident, our nuclear weapon system. Meanwhile, they are … Full Story »

Housing benefit cuts will increase homelessness, Greens warn

17th August, 2010

Cllr Jillian Creasy, Green group leader on Sheffield City Council, warns that the coalition government’s cuts to housing benefit could … Full Story »

Tea and biscuits- the real scandal

17th August, 2010

The £21713 spent on tea, sandwiches and biscuits at council meetings clearly should have been noticed and acted upon by … Full Story »

Greens question LibDem recycling figures

12th August, 2010

The Green Party is questioning the increase in recycling rates being trumpeted by the Lib Dems. Cllr Creasy said, “We … Full Story »

Planetary crisis

12th August, 2010

Dear Editor Our planet is in a state of  crisis. In Pakistan the worst floods in the country’s history have  … Full Story »

Woeful consultations

9th August, 2010

Dear Sir         The parties running Sheffield have a woeful track record on public consultations. A low … Full Story »

CND Peace Picnic

9th August, 2010

Cllr Jillian Creasy acted as master of ceremonies for a ceremony to mark the 65th Anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki. … Full Story »

Summer reading?

7th August, 2010

Want to read a good book this summer? Visit our Amazon Store for great book ideas. If you know of … Full Story »