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Very bad day for local democracy

15th December, 2009

In 2007 the Labour administration announces proposals to close Wisewood school. Full Story »

Abbeydale Grange School Needs Your Help!

18th November, 2009

Abbeydale Grange School faces closure. The Liberal Democrat Cabinet makes the decision on 9th December. We must Act and Act … Full Story »

Children will suffer from school closure say Greens

4th October, 2009

The Green Party is calling on the Council to take on board the concerns of parents and pupils at Abbeydale … Full Story »

Library cuts imposed by Lib Dems despite overwhelming opposition.

20th November, 2008

Dear Sir At the public meeting of the Broomhill, Nether Edge and Central Area Panel, four Lib Dem councillors pushed … Full Story »

Lib Dems push through Library Cuts

10th November, 2008

10th November 2008 At a public Area Panel meeting on Thursday 6th November, Lib Dem Councillors for Broomhill and Nether … Full Story »

Greens oppose Library cuts

1st October, 2008

Central ward councillors are opposing cuts to opening hours at Highfield and Broomhill Libraries. The reduction in services was proposed … Full Story »

History:Nether Edge campaign 1986

29th April, 1986