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Stop the Legal Aid cuts

28th May, 2013

The Government wants to introduce a “residence test” that will cut the number of people who can access free advice. … Full Story »

Axe the tax

22nd May, 2013

Boycott Asda and Gap

19th May, 2013

Dear Sir It seems to take tragedy to wake us up. It took more than 1100 deaths in the Bangladesh … Full Story »

Building our Response to the Climate Challenge-important Sheffield event.

17th May, 2013

This is an important time, with levels of CO2 in the atmosphere having hit 400 ppm of CO2. Sheffield Campaign … Full Story »

Bedroom Tax happenings

13th May, 2013

Protest Rally Saturday 18th May, 11am at Barker’s Pool, Sheffield Get Together and Feel Good! Tuesday 14th May @7pm Old … Full Story »

Do the Math-watch the movie here.

10th May, 2013

Thank you Fulwood voters

3rd May, 2013

Thank you to all the Green Party voters in Fulwood. Here is the result. BLAKE, OLIVIA FRANCES 1035 Labour Party … Full Story »

Vote Green in Fulwood on May 2nd. Party Election Broadcast

1st May, 2013

Bedroom tax meeting – 1st May

26th April, 2013

Sheffield Greens are holding a local meeting on the Bedroom Tax and other cuts to benefits on 1st May. The … Full Story »

Do the Math: Movie Trailer

22nd April, 2013