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Why vote Green in Fulwood on May 2nd?

21st April, 2013

Why should you vote Green in Fulwood on May 2nd? Because we are the only party represented on Sheffield City … Full Story »

Ground the drones-join the protest

19th April, 2013

Ground the Drones: Protest at RAF Waddington: Sat 27 April Assemble: 12 noon at Lincoln South Park March leaves at … Full Story »

By-election candidate campaigns against the Bedroom Tax

16th April, 2013

Green Party Fulwood  by-election candidate Brian Webster said “Coalition cuts are disproportionately impacting those on lower incomes, benefits and particularly … Full Story »

Scrap Trident Tour Wed 24th April, Barkers Pool at 10.30am

9th April, 2013

Bedroom Tax leaflet

5th April, 2013

Are you affected by the bedroom tax? Or do you have friends and family who are? Sheffield Green Party has … Full Story »

Iraq war was based on lies.

5th April, 2013

On the 10th anniversary of the Iraq war it’s clear Tony Blair knew there were no “Weapons of Mass Destruction”. … Full Story »

Greens call for action on Bedroom Tax

2nd April, 2013

Sheffield Green Party is calling on the Labour administration to go further than just complaining to government about the unfair … Full Story »

Welfare cuts kick in

1st April, 2013

As bitter cuts in welfare kick in today, 1st April 2013, we review the Green Party’s consistent opposition to the … Full Story »

Jon Ashe “An invitation to the future”.

24th March, 2013


Carer explains why she is protesting against the Bedroom Tax

17th March, 2013