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Economics quiz

29th October, 2011

Try this economics quiz and ask yourself why we are in this mess! Economics Quiz  

Sign the petition to stop tax avoidance

26th October, 2011

In March, Caroline Lucas MP tabled a Tax and Financial Transparency Bill aimed at tackling corporate tax evasion and avoidance. … Full Story »

Councillor Rob Murphy opens the 2011 Green Party Autumn Conference at Sheffield Hallam University

12th September, 2011


Green Party Conference in Sheffield this weekend

8th September, 2011

Members from across England and Wales are coming to the conference of the party that is fighting against cuts and … Full Story »

100 days of Labour in Sheffield

21st August, 2011

Letter to Sheffield Newspapers 21st August 2011 Sir Lots of people in Sheffield feel let down by Labour’s first 100 … Full Story »

Supermarket expansion plans – latest news

16th August, 2011

Letter to the Sheffield Telegraph 16th August, 2011 Dear Sir, Well done to Millhouses and Carter Knowle Community Group for … Full Story »

A message to our brothers and sisters currently fasting during Ramadan

3rd August, 2011


Interested in Green Politics? What we’re reading:

1st August, 2011

The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett – why closing the gap between rich and poor is good … Full Story »

Green Fair 25th June, 11-5pm, St Mary’s Bramall Lane

19th June, 2011

Please print off this flyer and give to your friends. Many videos from the fair are now on You Tube … Full Story »

Million Climate Jobs dvd

10th June, 2011

Sheffield Green Party are excited about the release of this new dvd outlining our policy of creating a million climate … Full Story »