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Pictures from the Green Fair 2010

26th September, 2010

There are a great selection of photographs here from this years Green Fair. Many thanks to Rachael Hibberd for this … Full Story »

Reduce inequality to improve health

21st September, 2010

Sir NHS Sheffield report linking ill health to poverty (Poor Health link to Deprivation The Star 13 September 2010) is … Full Story »

Caroline Lucas Birmingham Conference Speech (part 2)

13th September, 2010

Caroline Lucas Birmingham Conference Speech (part 1)

12th September, 2010

International Day of the Disappeared

1st September, 2010

Cllr Jillian Creasy attended the event organised by Sheffield Amnesty International on Monday 30th August to mark the International Day of … Full Story »

Woodhouse by-election is today

23rd August, 2010

John Grant has been selected for the Green Party to contest the Woodhouse by election on August 26th. If you … Full Story »

Norwich Greens aim to control Council

23rd August, 2010

CND Peace Picnic

9th August, 2010

Cllr Jillian Creasy acted as master of ceremonies for a ceremony to mark the 65th Anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki. … Full Story »

Jan Wilson

6th August, 2010

From Sheffield City Council Website It is with great sadness that we can inform you that Cllr Jan Wilson passed … Full Story »

Sheffield Green Party activist working in Palestine

30th July, 2010

Deacon Dave Haarvard is currently in Hebron, Palestine. You can see videos of what he is doing by following these … Full Story »