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Greens say no to Tesco on Commonside

16th February, 2010

Sheffield Green Party has objected again to Tesco’s proposal to build a convenience store at the junction of Commonside and … Full Story »

Now is the time for Robin Hood tax!

12th February, 2010

See the video here The Robin Hood Tax, or Tobin Tax, on banks would raise billions for a fraction of … Full Story »

Can we be happy without economic growth?

23rd November, 2009

Caroline Lucas at Climate Camp Full Story »

Greens call for stronger action on transforming the local economy

17th August, 2009

stronger action needed to transform local economy Full Story »

Sheffield needs a new Economic Masterplan

10th February, 2009

Green Party councillor Bernard Little comments on today’s news that Hammerson are looking for a £582.2 million rescue package while … Full Story »

Sheffield’s Green New Deal

1st February, 2009

The Green Party has called for Sheffield to adopt a “Green New Deal” to create jobs, boost the local economy … Full Story »

Stop the boom, boom, boom mentality.

2nd November, 2008

November 2nd 2008 Dear Sir or Madam, When the bosses of Robin Hood Airport say their expansion plans will not … Full Story »

Lobby MP’s about the Post Office Card Account

26th October, 2008

October 26th 2008 The following letter was published in the Sheffield Telegraph today. Please lobby your MP and ask him/her … Full Story »

A better use for £500 billion…

14th October, 2008

October 14th 2008 Dear Editor, The government has attempted to bail out our flawed financial system in the hope that … Full Story »

Green Party supports Keep Trade Local campaign

10th October, 2008

10th October 2008 The Federation of small businesses is intensifying its campaign to save independant shops and pubs. They are … Full Story »