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Jillian Creasy. Diary week ending Jan 11th

12th January, 2014

This was my first full week back after the Christmas holidays and the first of the New Year. I did … Full Story »

A new vision for the City Centre

31st December, 2013

I hope that 2014 sees Sheffield adopt a new vision for its city centre. Regular readers will know that the … Full Story »

Another week in the life of Councillor Creasy

17th December, 2013

Week beginning Sunday 8th December 2013   Sunday – Canvassing in an area of Sharrow where overflowing bins and flytipping, … Full Story »

Greens stick up for families on low incomes.

29th November, 2013

Dear Editor People on low incomes, including many working families, have seen their benefits cut drastically while they have to … Full Story »

Greens say Taptonville site deserves better.

24th October, 2013

Broomhill Green Party has submitted an objection to the proposals for a major housing development on the University of Sheffield’s … Full Story »

Little Kelham Eco Development

19th October, 2013

Dear Sir Well done to CITU, who are developing Green Lane Works, for looking after the spectacular gateway arch which has just … Full Story »

Food OR shelter for children?

24th September, 2013

Brian Webster has written the following letter to the Star: Nick Clegg has announced that the coalition are spending £600 … Full Story »

Greens call to preserve open spaces

9th September, 2013

Green Party opposes loss of open spaces in new housing developments Sheffield Green Party is arguing that the City Council’s … Full Story »

Citizen Smart visits Sheffield to sing anti Bedoom Tax songs

1st September, 2013

For more Citizen Smart songs visit the Youtube channel.

Greens call for a more radical plan for the City Centre

2nd July, 2013

Sheffield Green Party  broadly welcomed the new city centre Master Plan as the consultation ended on 30 June, but says … Full Story »