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Greens’ leader: we can resolve UK’s industrial mess

9th November, 2013

Natalie Bennett, leader of the Green Party for England & Wales made a powerful and persuasive speech at the University … Full Story »

Packed meeting calls for better consultation on Streetsahead work

10th October, 2013

The meeting at St Mary’s community centre was packed. Professor Ian Rotherham presented his well-received talk about the importance of … Full Story »

Urban Tree Destruction

5th October, 2013

Concerned about preserving wildlife habitats in the Sheffield area? Worried about activities of Sheffield City  Council and Amey, the private … Full Story »

Andrew Cooper for MEP

15th June, 2013

20’s Plenty meeting

24th May, 2013

Sheffield Greens have long campaigned for 20 mph speed limits in all our residential streets. Please support the next 20’s … Full Story »

Axe the tax

22nd May, 2013

Bedroom tax meeting – 1st May

26th April, 2013

Sheffield Greens are holding a local meeting on the Bedroom Tax and other cuts to benefits on 1st May. The … Full Story »

Benefits under attack. Councillor Duncan Kerr on the Welfare Reform act.

12th January, 2013

On 9th January Councillor Duncan Kerr gave an excellent talk on the Welfare Reform Act. He showed that this is … Full Story »

Benefits under attack. Duncan Kerr on the Welfare Reform Act

12th January, 2013


Greens furious as Recycoal given go ahead.

10th January, 2013

Jenny Patient spoke at the recent Council meeting on behalf of Sheffield Campaign against Climate Change to object to the … Full Story »