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Save Smithy Wood

22nd March, 2017

Last week saw yet another postponement of the decision on planning permission for a motorway service station to be built … Full Story »

Cllr Douglas Johnson’s Speech proposing the Green budget amendment, 3 March 2017

8th March, 2017

Lord Mayor, I am pleased to introduce the Green Party’s budget amendment. Let me say from the start that the … Full Story »

65% support for new Clean Air Act

17th February, 2017

A recent poll indicates that 65% of the British public support a new Clean Air Act to address mounting air … Full Story »

Air Pollution Campaign. Let Sheffield Breathe.

4th February, 2017

Who could replace Labour?

8th January, 2017

Dear Editor,  Michael Parker asks (Star, 22nd December – “who could replace Labour in power?” – pointing out that … Full Story »

Train action day

3rd January, 2017

Better action on rail

2nd January, 2017

The New Year above-inflation rise in train fares is our annual reminder of the failure of rail privatisation.  Supported by … Full Story »

Sheffield Greens support train passengers on “Rail Fare Rises” day

2nd January, 2017

Sheffield Greens, including prospective parliamentary candidate for Sheffield Central Natalie Bennett, will be campaigning tomorrow (January 3) at Sheffield Station … Full Story »

Tram consultation response

19th December, 2016

Good public transport is vital to Sheffield Green Party. We submitted  our response to the recent consultation on the future … Full Story »

Greens call for parking profits to be given back to residents

10th December, 2016

Sheffield Green Party has called for a price cut for residents’ parking permits after the recent announcement of huge profits … Full Story »