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Government should act on air pollution

15th March, 2017

There was no money to address air pollution in the Chancellor’s budget but the government has to act soon. After … Full Story »

Anti-fracking protest

Greens support anti-fracking protests

7th March, 2017

Congratulations to Sarah Vause and Sarah Marsh, two local residents in Mosborough and Eckington, who organised the large anti-fracking march … Full Story »

Waste contract could be taken in house.

16th January, 2017

The spotlight is now on the Veolia waste contract which was based on building a new incinerator and continuing to … Full Story »

Election results distorted by low registration and poor turnout

1st August, 2016

I can’t agree with Mike Simpson (Letters 26 July) who argues that students should vote at home not in their … Full Story »

Lessons Sheffield Council and Amey should learn from Sandygate Rd saga

9th February, 2016

The restoration of white lines to the centre of Sandygate Rd ends a 7 month saga from which lessons need … Full Story »

How to stop the lights going out.

1st February, 2016

Within the past few days concerns have been raised about whether we have enough electricity generating capacity to keep the … Full Story »

Sheffield Council should exploit any opportunity to safeguard public assets

24th January, 2016

With reference to your article of January 7th (‘Relax rules to save Sheffield pubs for the community’, Sheffield Telegraph), I … Full Story »

We are not being swamped by immigrants

27th August, 2015

A Star reader’s letter on 18 August described Sheffield as a ‘City of Scum’ and “…being swamped and drowned by … Full Story »

Peak District under threat from fracking

21st July, 2015

In January the Government told MPs: “We have agreed an outright ban on fracking in national parks and sites of … Full Story »

Benefit cuts may be unlawful

16th July, 2015

Setting a benefit cap of £26,000 put Britain in breach of its obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights … Full Story »