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Greens call on Council to oppose NHS Privatisation

30th August, 2011

  Green Party councillors have called on Sheffield Council to show its support for the NHS and publicly oppose the … Full Story »

Supermarket expansion plans – latest news

16th August, 2011

Letter to the Sheffield Telegraph 16th August, 2011 Dear Sir, Well done to Millhouses and Carter Knowle Community Group for … Full Story »

Labour climb-down on 20s plenty

24th July, 2011

Letter to the Sheffield Telegraph 24th July 2011   Dear Sir, In February, Sheffield’s Green Councillors called for plans for … Full Story »

Greens highlight privatisation and outsourcing in amendments

2nd June, 2011

Green Councillors Rob Murphy and Jillian Creasy have put amendments to two motions at the June 1st full council meeting, … Full Story »

Sheffield Greens support “Save our NHS” demo

28th May, 2011

Sheffield Greens supported the Save our NHS demonstration today, marching from the Hallamshire Hosital into the city centre. Councillor  Rob … Full Story »

Vote Green on May 5th

17th April, 2011

Greens seek to save vital services with budget amendment.

4th March, 2011

STOP PRESS The Lib Dem budget was passed because Labour refused to vote against the cuts. The Green Party Councillors … Full Story »

Green Councillors explain council motion decision to Sheffield Homes tenants

22nd February, 2011

Green Councillors have written to Tenants and Residents Associations in their ward (Central) to explain their decision to return the … Full Story »

Council agrees Greens’ Call for 20mph limits

7th February, 2011

Sheffield Council agreed at their last Thursday (2nd Feb) to back a Green Party call for a city-wide 20 mph … Full Story »

Greens object to delay on road safety

2nd February, 2011

Sheffield Green Party have submitted a Motion to the Council Meeting on February 2nd calling for the implementation of a … Full Story »