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Greens promote a different kind of city centre

30th October, 2014

Sheffield’s Green Party Councillors are putting a motion to next Wednesday’s Full Council meeting supporting a range of measures to … Full Story »

News from Kelham Island

16th October, 2014


Latest news from Sharrow

12th October, 2014

Autumn 2014 Newsletter

Special thanks to everyone who helped with the recycling at Sharrow Festival

22nd June, 2014

A wonderful day at Sharrow Festival on Saturday. Thank you to the organisers, the entertainers, the stall holders and especially … Full Story »

Local election result analysis

25th May, 2014

Here is the full list of Green results in Sheffield. We doubled our number of Councillors, electing Brian Webster in … Full Story »

Sarah Jane blogs on fuel and energy

20th May, 2014

Well, election day is almost upon us – only two more sleeps- three more till we get our local results … Full Story »

Sheffield Greens Election Broadcast

18th May, 2014

Sarah Jane blogs on Jobs and Income

15th May, 2014

One week to go to polling day.  It’s a whirlwind, but I’m really enjoying meeting and talking to so many … Full Story »

Sarah Jane blogs on caring

8th May, 2014

I wrote a blog on Tuesday about strong communities – and I said about how community means so much to … Full Story »

Green candidate makes Green Homes Sheffield Network “Open Home” visit.

7th May, 2014

Sarah Jane Smalley, Green Party candidate for Central ward in the May 22nd council elections, visited the home of Jenny … Full Story »