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Archive for September, 2011

Green MEP supports Justice for all Campaign at Sheffield Conference

8th September, 2011

Green MEP Jean Lambert will be supporting the weekly “Justice for All” campaign vigil which moves from its regular position … Full Story »

Green Party Deputy Leader to visit hydropower site in tour of Sheffield

7th September, 2011

Adrian Ramsay to visit Sheffield Renewables 10am photo call, Kelham Island Industrial Museum, Sheffield, S3 8RY Green Party Deputy Leader … Full Story »

Green motion to save the NHS passed at Council

7th September, 2011

Sheffield City Council, at its meeting this afternoon, passed the Green Party substantive motion opposing the Government’s NHS reforms (The substantive motion was … Full Story »

Green Councillors call for jobs in the Energy Sector

7th September, 2011

Green Councillors will today welcome and support Labour’s motion about their Apprenticeship Programme. But they are putting an amendment calling … Full Story »

Greens call for Justice for all

1st September, 2011

  Green Party Councillors are asking Sheffield City Council to back local advice services and support the Justice for All … Full Story »

Greens step up pressure on 20mph limits

1st September, 2011

Sheffield Green Councillors are stepping up the pressure on the Labour Administration to keep to its word on 20 mph … Full Story »