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Archive for February, 2013

Green Party budget amendment

28th February, 2013

Here is the amendment the Green Councillors will propose at tomorrows Council budget meeting. Amendment to be moved by Councillor … Full Story »

Greens respond to Sheffield Anti Cuts Alliance

27th February, 2013

Sheffield Anti Cuts Alliance recently wrote to all Labour Councillors challenging them to oppose the cuts. The letter is reprinted … Full Story »

Less than 50p a week for our children’s futures

25th February, 2013

Greens call on the Council to listen to Sheffield people Sheffield Green Party councillors want to prevent some of the … Full Story »

Conference round-up

23rd February, 2013

Natalie Bennett’s speech Jason Kitkat, BrightonCouncil Leader Jason Kitkat speech onYou Tube Will Duckworth calls for stronger Union ties New … Full Story »

Green Party celebrates 40th birthday!

23rd February, 2013

Tonight the Green Party are celebrating their 40th birthday. Here are some images from the past to remind us of … Full Story »

Bearing the brunt of the austerity cuts

23rd February, 2013

Responding to the Fairness Commission, Nick Clegg outlines the rise in the income tax threshold to £9,440 in April. But … Full Story »

Stop the cuts to ESOL provision

18th February, 2013

The coalition Government are currently making so many cuts that some are being given very little publicity. One such planned … Full Story »

Greens object to West Street lap dancing club.

18th February, 2013

 Central ward councillor Rob Murphy has objected to the lap dancing application by Steel House in the city centre ward … Full Story »

Job Vacancy: Part time Administrative Assistant

15th February, 2013

Sorry, deadline for applications has now been reached. Sheffield & Rotherham Green Party is advertising for a part-time administrative assistant. … Full Story »

Europe: “the 3 yeses”

11th February, 2013

This article by Steve Barnard was first published in South Yorkshire Politics. The Green Party was quick to respond positively … Full Story »