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Massive police operation at Lib Dem conference

16th March, 2011

Protest against the Lib Dem Conference

16th March, 2011

Jillian Creasy addresses 5000 protesters at “Rage against Lib Dems”

13th March, 2011

Sheffield City Council-why the cuts budget got through unamended.

13th March, 2011

Greens call Labour’s bluff on health privatisation

7th March, 2011

Labour has put a motion to Full Council criticising the Coalition’s approach to reforming the NHS, but the Greens point … Full Story »

Greens criticise labour for failing to halt cuts

7th March, 2011

Sheffield Green Party has criticised local Labour councillors for not taking action to safeguard vital services for vulnerable people. The … Full Story »

Poem for upcoming local elections

7th March, 2011

Mick Ibbotson has written this poem about the upcoming elections to galvanise Green support: The council elections are coming near … Full Story »

Greens seek to save vital services with budget amendment.

4th March, 2011

STOP PRESS The Lib Dem budget was passed because Labour refused to vote against the cuts. The Green Party Councillors … Full Story »

Caroline Lucas announces Green Party Conference is coming to Sheffield.

23rd February, 2011

Green Party budget amendment – protecting the most vulnerable

22nd February, 2011

The Green Party Councillors have revealed that they will be putting a budget amendment which protects the most vulnerable from … Full Story »