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Bernard Little speaks out against cuts

24th September, 2010

First steps towards 20’s Plenty in Sheffield

24th September, 2010

Sheffield Green Party has welcomed the decision of the Central Community Assembly (on 23rd September) to investigate introducing a 20mph … Full Story »

Reduce inequality to improve health

21st September, 2010

Sir NHS Sheffield report linking ill health to poverty (Poor Health link to Deprivation The Star 13 September 2010) is … Full Story »

Stop the deportation of Justice Charles

18th September, 2010

Sheffield Greens are urging supporters to sign a petition to save one of their supporters from deportation. The Home Office … Full Story »

Planning Committee refuse solar panels

17th September, 2010

An application for solar panels on the roof of a house in Nether Edge was turned down by the Planning … Full Story »

Rally against the cuts

3rd September, 2010

Speech by Bernard Little, Co-chair Sheffield Green Party, Sheffield 3rd September 2010. Draconian cuts in vital investment and public services … Full Story »

Protest against the cuts!

2nd September, 2010

Sheffield Green Party will be supporting a rally organised by the Trades Council on Fri 3 Sep 2010, from 5pm … Full Story »

International Day of the Disappeared

1st September, 2010

Cllr Jillian Creasy attended the event organised by Sheffield Amnesty International on Monday 30th August to mark the International Day of … Full Story »

Greens want better protection for local shops.

1st September, 2010

Sheffield Green Party has called for better protection and support for small and independent local shops. This in turn will … Full Story »

Greens say go on council renewable energy opportunity

31st August, 2010

A Green Party motion to the September Ist Sheffield council meeting will urge the council to act quickly to take … Full Story »