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Progress on safer streets “painfully slow”

17th January, 2010

We are pleased this important issue is to be considered by the
Highways Committee. Progress seems painfully slow. Meanwhile over 200
people are killed or seriously injured on our roads each year. Full Story »

Greens push for speed limit for a safer Sheffield

11th January, 2010

The Green Party is continuing to push for the Council to introduce a 20 mile an hour speed limit in … Full Story »

Copenhagen Connection podcast

6th January, 2010

Sheffield Green Party member Gareth Roberts recently presented a radio programme on Sheffield Live about the Copenhagen summit. It also … Full Story »

We want our buses back demo

6th January, 2010

Brave soles from We want our Buses back are planning a demonstration this Saturday, January 9th, against the massive increase … Full Story »

Paths to Climate Justice

6th January, 2010

Sheffield Campaign against Climate Change are organising an evening of positive feedback from Copenhagen. Come and hear from the Sheffield … Full Story »

Another windfarm turned down

28th December, 2009

Dear Editor, The windfarm at Sheephouse Heights, north of  Stocksbridge has been turned down. This is short-sighted especially as the world comes … Full Story »

Sheffield hospital food problem

27th December, 2009

Dear Editor. News (Yorkshire Post 18th December) that Sheffield Teaching Hospital Trust (STH) sources just 50% of its food from … Full Story »

How to talk to Climate change skeptics

27th December, 2009

Sheffield Star and Telegraph continue to print letters from Climate Change skeptics. To respond via letters you don’t need to … Full Story »

Greens call for lower traffic speeds to encourage walking

22nd December, 2009

Sheffield Green Party has told the City Council that its pedestrian strategy should emphasise the need for lower traffic speed … Full Story »

Widespread support for 20mph

22nd December, 2009

“As a parent of two small children I successfully campaigned for traffic calming on my street. But it took years. … Full Story »