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Excellent TTIP video from 38 Degrees

5th July, 2014

No to G4S in Sheffield

29th June, 2014

Please sign the petition to back SYMAAG’s campaign to stop G4S. SYMAAG (South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group) invite you to … Full Story »

Frack off march this Saturday

28th June, 2014

Come and march under the Green Party banner to say no to Fracking in South Yorkshire. Saturday July 5th. MEETING … Full Story »

Greens announce Hallam and Heeley General Election Candidates

27th June, 2014

Following recent selection processes, Sheffield Green Party have announced candidates for the Hallam and Heeley constituencies for the General Election … Full Story »

Greens object to Council plans to reduce planning consultations

15th June, 2014

Sheffield City Council are planning to reduce the number of letters it sends out informing residents about local planning applications.The … Full Story »

Is democracy dead? Video of our challenging public meeting.

14th June, 2014

Three videos from the public meeting on 11th June. Peter Garbutt, Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Sheffield Hallam, introduces the topic, … Full Story »

Ten years of Green Councillors in Sheffield

10th June, 2014

“When we first went to knock on doors, people had never heard of us”, admits Sheffield’s Green party leader Jillian … Full Story »

Is democracy dead? Public Meeting 11th June

10th June, 2014

Central URC Church, Wednesday 11th June 7.15pm Open meeting with David Malone, author of The Debt Generation, and writer of … Full Story »

Sheffield Doc Fest features Eco films

31st May, 2014

There’s lots of great films at the Sheffield Documentary Festival this year, but here are 4 that you may be … Full Story »

Please object to plans to build a Service Station on Smithy Wood.

29th May, 2014

Please object to plans to destroy the ancient woodland at Smithy Wood to build a service station for the M1. … Full Story »