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Help stop the unfair tax on people in Parking Permit zones

4th November, 2014

A group of residents who began to get organised after a public meeting organised by the Central Ward councillors have … Full Story »

Greens promote a different kind of city centre

30th October, 2014

Sheffield’s Green Party Councillors are putting a motion to next Wednesday’s Full Council meeting supporting a range of measures to … Full Story »

Greens attend Air Quality and Health conference

21st October, 2014

A number of Sheffield Green Party members attended the Air Quality and Health Conference on October 17th, which was organised … Full Story »

Ecclesall Road shisha café ignores Planning & Highways Committee Decision

18th October, 2014

An outdoor shisha café granted planning permission to open until 9pm on Tuesday October 7th has been found to be … Full Story »

News from Kelham Island

16th October, 2014


News from Broomhill Ward

13th October, 2014


Latest news from Sharrow

12th October, 2014

Autumn 2014 Newsletter

Councillor Webster calls for action on poor air quality in maiden speech

6th October, 2014

Broomhill councillor Brian Webster gave his maiden speech in the council chamber at the full council meeting on October 1st, … Full Story »

500 die each year but Labour waters down Air Quality motion.

3rd October, 2014

At a meeting on October 1st, Sheffield councillors passed an amended version of a Green Party motion highlighting the threat … Full Story »

Spending local

28th September, 2014

Here is the text of Douglas Johnson’s letter to the Sheffield Star in response to the article “South Yorkshire councils … Full Story »