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Reverse the Council’s unfair parking permit increases

15th October, 2013

Sign our petition to reverse the Council’s unfair parking permit increases. We the undersigned believe the current prices for permits … Full Story »

Greens disappointed by approval of university multi-storey car park

29th September, 2013

Sheffield City Council has granted planning permission for a multi-storey car park on Glossop Road. Local Green Party spokesperson Jon … Full Story »

Ecclesall Road changes will endanger cyclists

9th August, 2013

Sheffield Green Party has objected to two proposed Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) removing sections of bus lanes at Hunters Bar … Full Story »

Greens call for IKEA free delivery to overcome air pollution problems

31st July, 2013

Sheffield Green Party have called for proper scrutiny of the air quality impacts of the proposed new IKEA store in … Full Story »

Greens call for a more radical plan for the City Centre

2nd July, 2013

Sheffield Green Party  broadly welcomed the new city centre Master Plan as the consultation ended on 30 June, but says … Full Story »

Sustainable transport not air pollution

18th June, 2013

Sheffield Green Party have submitted a formal objection to Sheffield University plans for a multi-storey car park on Glossop Road. … Full Story »

20’s Plenty meeting

24th May, 2013

Sheffield Greens have long campaigned for 20 mph speed limits in all our residential streets. Please support the next 20’s … Full Story »

Ikea must go through the proper planning process

22nd April, 2013

Dear Editor Portland Works would now be an apartment block if the planning process did not exist. Like all developments, … Full Story »

Brian Webster supports the Fulwood buses.

17th April, 2013

Public transport and buses are vital for all communities. I know that the Stagecoach 83A service is vital for residents, … Full Story »

Greens call to stop Public Transport cuts

5th February, 2013

Sheffield Green Party has called on members of South Yorkshire’s Integrated Transport Authority to reject proposals to remove over £2m … Full Story »