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Recycling scheme not thought through

6th April, 2010

Dear Editor. Mark Gamsu’s letter (Telegraph, April 1st) is asking precisely the questions about the employment and environmental impact of … Full Story »

What have the Green Councillors done for Central Ward?

3rd April, 2010

Rob Unwin, local election candidate for Central Ward, made this presentation to the Sheffield Green Party Election Rally last Monday. … Full Story »

Greens make clean campaign pledge

30th March, 2010

Sheffield Green Party have made a Clean Campaign Pledge for the forthcoming campaign and are inviting other parties in Sheffield … Full Story »

Scrap Trident now and save £97 billion

30th March, 2010

Sir, The agreement to cut nuclear warheads between Russian and USA is to be welcomed. It is timed to set … Full Story »

Greens call for action on post offices

28th March, 2010

The Greens today spoke out against the lack of action to address closed post offices in Sheffield, pointing out that … Full Story »

Meet the Greens face to face

22nd March, 2010

Sheffield Green Party are starting their election campaign with a public rally. Their main candidates will be speaking, meeting the … Full Story »

What I’ve got in common with Nick Clegg…

22nd March, 2010

Dear sir I have a few things in common with Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg. We are both candidates in … Full Story »

Vote Green to protect the NHS

21st March, 2010

Nuclear and Carbon Capture are the wrong solutions

19th March, 2010

Dear Sir We in the Green Party have proposed and continue to promote the creation of many jobs in the … Full Story »

Jillian Creasy’s speech to the Station demo

19th March, 2010

Hello everyone! Well, here we are again – here we ALL are again. Great to see so much support – … Full Story »