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Find out the truth about fracking and make your voice heard

13th January, 2014

Sheffield Green Party spokesperson Jon Ashe comments : “This is a desperate attempt by the coalition government to bribe councils to … Full Story »

Jillian Creasy. Diary week ending Jan 11th

12th January, 2014

This was my first full week back after the Christmas holidays and the first of the New Year. I did … Full Story »

Jewish Settlers Invade Palestinian Land of Sheffield resident’s family

12th January, 2014

It has not been a Happy New Year for Burngreave resident Arwa Abu-Haikal Havard. On January 5th her family in … Full Story »

Massive opposition to library closures

8th January, 2014

Cllr Rob Murphy and Brian Webster (on left and right, respectively, in photo) joined members of Broomhill Library Action Group … Full Story »

Green Party supports demonstration against library closures

6th January, 2014

Sheffield Green Party is supporting the demonstration outside the 8th January Council meeting and urges people to make their views … Full Story »

“Streets ahead” debate continues. Help safeguard your local trees.

5th January, 2014

Thanks to everyone who came to the meeting at St Mary’s about trees and related matters on October 9th – … Full Story »

Andrew Cooper’s wishes for 2014

1st January, 2014

Andrew Cooper, this year’s lead Euro candidate, writes, “The New Year is a time for resolutions and wishes but what … Full Story »

A new vision for the City Centre

31st December, 2013

I hope that 2014 sees Sheffield adopt a new vision for its city centre. Regular readers will know that the … Full Story »

Natalie Bennett to speak in Sheffield this Wednesday

8th December, 2013

Please share this invitation with all your friends. (click on the poster to download the pdf)

Autumn statement reaction: Osborne is totally out of touch with what’s happening in Sheffield.

5th December, 2013

  Jon Ashe, Chair of Sheffield Green Party said “George Osborne is totally out of touch with what’s happening here in … Full Story »