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Parliamentary Candidate joins People’s March for the NHS

28th August, 2014

Rita Wilcock, Green Party parliamentary candidate for Sheffield Heeley joined the rally in Weston Park on 25th August to welcome … Full Story »

People’s march for the NHS

22nd August, 2014

Sheffield Greens support the “People’s March for the NHS” Sheffeld Green Party members are playing an active part in the … Full Story »

Demo for Palestine 16th August 2014 (video)

17th August, 2014

Job Vacancy: part-time design production assistant.

14th August, 2014

Sheffield & Rotherham Green Party is advertising for a part-time design production assistant. 25 hours a month; partly home-based; 12 … Full Story »

Supermarket levy needed to halt decline of local shops.

14th August, 2014

Dear SirThe opening of a new supermarket always comes with a claimed “jobs boost”. But research shows an average net loss of 276 … Full Story »

Matalan do not deserve our custom

1st August, 2014

1129 workers died when the Rana Plaza clothing factory collapsed in Bangladesh last year. Textiles and garments are Bangladesh’s biggest … Full Story »

The People’s March for the NHS. The new Jarrow Crusade.

27th July, 2014

A new Jarrow Crusade is passing through Sheffield later this August. The marchers are campaigning to save our NHS. You … Full Story »

Join us tomorrow on the TTIP (Big Bad Law) day of action

11th July, 2014

11 July 2014 Meet at Sheffield Town Hall 11.45am. Peter Garbutt writes “There will be speeches from a few well-chosen … Full Story »

Councillor Creasy to attend the Freedom Ride court protest.

6th July, 2014

Councillor Jillian Creasy will attend the protest at Sheffield Magistrates Court tomorrow at 9.15am in support of the two Freedom … Full Story »

Report of Sheffield City Council Meeting 2nd July 2014

5th July, 2014

Here is a brief overview of the Full Council meeting on 2nd July. The full agenda can be found here. … Full Story »