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Green Motion opposing fracking passed by Full Council

5th September, 2013

Green Councillors on Sheffield City Council won the full support of the Labour administration for their motion on fracking. The … Full Story »

Sheffield Green Party call for the value of work to be recognised

4th September, 2013

The Resolution Foundation report into low pay in modern Britain has found that over one in five working people in Yorkshire … Full Story »

Greens call for IKEA free delivery to overcome air pollution problems

31st July, 2013

Sheffield Green Party have called for proper scrutiny of the air quality impacts of the proposed new IKEA store in … Full Story »

Support your Credit Union.

30th July, 2013

Many people are struggling to cope with welfare benefit cuts, low wages and high unemployment as the policies of austerity … Full Story »

Don’t make Sheffield a clone town.

29th July, 2013

Today Sheffield City Council announced it was pulling out of the Hammerson Sevenstone deal to look for a new developer. … Full Story »

Andrew Cooper for MEP

15th June, 2013

Where is Labour’s opposition to the benefit cuts?

10th May, 2013

Dear Sir It was right and proper to see the struggle of those trying to cope with benefit changes and … Full Story »

Do the Math: Movie Trailer

22nd April, 2013


People’s Petition Against Austerity – Sign now

28th March, 2013

  The Coalition of Resistance  launched this petition along with the list of initial signatories, including Caroline Lucas MP in … Full Story »

Europe: “the 3 yeses”

11th February, 2013

This article by Steve Barnard was first published in South Yorkshire Politics. The Green Party was quick to respond positively … Full Story »