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Greens slam Food Plan

13th January, 2011

A report on the Sheffield Food Plan will be going to Cabinet this Wed 12th January. If approved, it will … Full Story »

Green Party proposed giving people the choice of blue bin or box.

8th January, 2011

Dear Sir In response to Cllr Andy Sangar and Cllr Gill Furniss (Star letters, 27th and 28th December), may I … Full Story »

Green Party announces candidates for city council elections

3rd January, 2011

Following a recent selection process, Sheffield Green Party announced today some of its candidates for the May 2011 Sheffield City … Full Story »

Learn lessons from Winter freeze

31st December, 2010

A Green Party motion to the Sheffield Council meeting on January 5th asks the council to give more priority to … Full Story »

Green’s press Lib Dems on nuclear power U turn.

31st December, 2010

A Green Party motion to the Sheffield Council meeting on January 5th challenges Lib Dem councillors in Sheffield to call … Full Story »

Council Agenda

29th December, 2010

Ever wonder what happens on the City Council? Are you interested in what your elected representatives get up to? Have … Full Story »

We need 20mph limits.

19th December, 2010

Dear Editor Danny Dorling is quite right (Telegraph 9.12.10). Reducing the speeds on Sheffield’s residential roads to 20mph could drastically … Full Story »

EMT Survey shows 2400 people walk through the station each day

19th December, 2010

Figures released by East Midlands Trains show that, despite the clearance of most of Park Hill flats, the number of … Full Story »

Carol Singers Protest at Station

18th December, 2010

No more broken promises!

16th December, 2010

Dear Sir Does anyone remember the fuss about the Lib Dems littering the Peace Gardens with paper when filming a … Full Story »