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Archive for April, 2016

Vote Green in City Ward

22nd April, 2016

Your candidates Rob Murphy has been part of the Green councillor team in Central Ward for 8 years. “I am committed … Full Story »

Vote Green in Broomhill & Sharrow Vale

21st April, 2016

Your candidates Current Broomhill Cllrs Aodan Marken and Brian Webster work together to ensure local residents have the support they … Full Story »

Alison Teal

People before profit

20th April, 2016

The long-awaited legal verdict on the trees injunction is overdue as I write this on April 17th. What will the court say about the … Full Story »

Greens Launch Local Election Campaign with Party Leader in Sheffield

20th April, 2016

The Green Party election campaigns for both Sheffield and the Yorkshire & Humber region will be launched in Sheffield on … Full Story »

Vote Green in Nether Edge & Sharrow

20th April, 2016

Your candidates Your 3 votes can elect 3 Green councillors in the new Nether Edge & Sharrow ward. Your Green … Full Story »

What Greens stand for on May 5th

20th April, 2016

The last time Sheffield had an all-out council election, it was a new start for Sheffield. The city’s first Green councillor, … Full Story »

The Green Party launches its council election campaign on Friday 15th April – with a full slate of candidates in Sheffield.

15th April, 2016

Speaking at the national launch in Bristol, Green Party leader, Natalie Bennett’s speech will cover: · Greens standing over 1,500 … Full Story »

Sheffield Greens target big gains in May Council elections

9th April, 2016

Sheffield Green Party have 84 candidates nominated in the May council elections – a full slate – and is aiming … Full Story »

Tax avoidance is immoral and should be illegal say Sheffield Greens

9th April, 2016

Fascinating archive tapes of British spy Kim Philby training East German spies have just been broadcast. Philby advised that, even … Full Story »

Thank you to everyone who donated to our crowdfunder!

6th April, 2016

Dear friends, Our crowdfunding campaign that we have been pushing the past month has finally come to an end. We originally … Full Story »