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Thank you voters.

16th May, 2016

We, the four Green councillors, want to thank all the Star readers who supported the Green Party in the council … Full Story »

Sheffield people responding positively to Green message

4th May, 2016

In the final days before the Council elections, it has been cheering to find so many Sheffield people responding so … Full Story »

Vote Green in City Ward

22nd April, 2016

Your candidates Rob Murphy has been part of the Green councillor team in Central Ward for 8 years. “I am committed … Full Story »

The Green Party launches its council election campaign on Friday 15th April – with a full slate of candidates in Sheffield.

15th April, 2016

Speaking at the national launch in Bristol, Green Party leader, Natalie Bennett’s speech will cover: · Greens standing over 1,500 … Full Story »

Tax avoidance is immoral and should be illegal say Sheffield Greens

9th April, 2016

Fascinating archive tapes of British spy Kim Philby training East German spies have just been broadcast. Philby advised that, even … Full Story »

Councillor Rob Murphy on Talking Sheffield

26th March, 2016


Greens call for more money for public transport

21st March, 2016

Speaker for the Green Group on Sheffield Council, Cllr Rob Murphy called on the Council to investigate alternative forms of … Full Story »

Green Party budget amendment in full

5th March, 2016

The Sheffield Star reported that the Green Party had made a budget amendment to install solar panels on council houses. … Full Story »

Help us win more seats this May. Support our Crowdfunder Appeal.

2nd March, 2016

Dear friends, Today we’re asking you for a donation that will make it possible for us to spread our message to voters … Full Story »

Green budget proposals add up

29th February, 2016

In 2014, Green Party councillors made a fully-costed budget proposal to invest in solar panels on council housing. It would … Full Story »