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Greens to discuss Palestine

5th January, 2014

The topic at Wednesday’s (Jan 8th) Sheffield and Rotherham Green Party meeting will be Palestine. Annie Neligan and Heather Hunt, … Full Story »

Andrew Cooper’s wishes for 2014

1st January, 2014

Andrew Cooper, this year’s lead Euro candidate, writes, “The New Year is a time for resolutions and wishes but what … Full Story »

A new vision for the City Centre

31st December, 2013

I hope that 2014 sees Sheffield adopt a new vision for its city centre. Regular readers will know that the … Full Story »

Jillian Creasy – the week before Christmas

23rd December, 2013

Monday 16th – Licensing Committee (again – the way it works is that there is a pool of councillors from … Full Story »

Green Party leader speaks out against the Immigration Bill in Sheffield

17th December, 2013

Green Party leader Natalie Bennett will be visiting Sheffield tomorrow (Wednesday 18th December) to add her voice to those protesting … Full Story »

Another week in the life of Councillor Creasy

17th December, 2013

Week beginning Sunday 8th December 2013   Sunday – Canvassing in an area of Sharrow where overflowing bins and flytipping, … Full Story »

Natalie Bennett speaks in Sheffield

13th December, 2013

A week in the life of Councillor Creasy

8th December, 2013

Week commencing Sunday 1st December Sunday – canvassing in Sharrow: lots of households angry about price of parking permits, including … Full Story »

Autumn statement reaction: Osborne is totally out of touch with what’s happening in Sheffield.

5th December, 2013

  Jon Ashe, Chair of Sheffield Green Party said “George Osborne is totally out of touch with what’s happening here in … Full Story »

Sharrow Community Ignored in Supermarket Decision

3rd December, 2013

By Sarah Jane Smalley with contribution from Eleanor Stephens It was heart-warming and inspiring to be involved in the recent … Full Story »