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Reverse cuts to Surestart

16th April, 2011

The Green Party councillors will use the debate in Full Council to remind people that they were the only party … Full Story »

Craftivism at the station

16th April, 2011

Sheffield Greens joined in with an unusual protest at Sheffield Station last weekend to protest against the rise in train … Full Story »

Green election launch focuses on 963000 youth unemployed

16th April, 2011

Sheffield Green Party will launch its local election campaign on Friday April 15 at JobcentrePlus, West Street to highlight the … Full Story »

Lib Dem renewables 100% claim questioned.

15th April, 2011

The Lib Dems are claiming they plan to make Sheffield 100% self sufficient in renewable energy within 10 years. The … Full Story »

Full slate for Sheffield City Council elections

14th April, 2011

Sheffield Green Party will again stand candidates in all 28 wards in the council elections on May 5th. Key targets … Full Story »

Jillian goes for hat-trick!

13th April, 2011

Cllr Jillian Creasy was elected as the first Green Party city councillor in Sheffield in 2004. She was re-elected in … Full Story »

Greens work with other parties to fight “disproportionate cuts”

13th April, 2011

THREE South Yorkshire politicians are among 40 councillors from across the region who have signed a letter urging councils not … Full Story »

Greens oppose Sheffield College Cuts

31st March, 2011

Sheffield Green Party are expressing concerns about the loss of jobs and important courses as a consultation starts on 121 … Full Story »

Frustration with Labour

31st March, 2011

Dear Sir, Cllr Julie Dore’s “Viewpoint on “what we will do if elected in May” is a further reminder of … Full Story »

Greens on the march

30th March, 2011